HUDs are intended to keep drivers paying attention to the road and what’s happening ahead of them despite the glut of information spewing from screens throughout the car. Instead of glancing over at the touchscreen next to the wheel, I could stare straight ahead while I drove the Lincoln, for example. The information I needed was all there, including turn by turn directions if I used the car company’s built in directions feature.

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AbstractBackground: Aortic valve replacement is one of the most common cardiac surgical procedures performed Conventional aortic valve replacement surgery is performed via a median sternotomy; the sternum is completely from the sternal notch to the xiphisternum. Minimally invasive aortic valve replacement, using a technique called manubrium limited ministernotomy, divides only the manubrium from the sternal notch to 1 below the manubrio sternal junction. Than one third of patients undergoing conventional sternotomy develop clinically significant bleeding requiring red blood cell transfusion.

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