“‘All young women are more beautiful than they think, you know. And I like you more in sweatpants than I do when you’re on a red carpet.’ And it’s nice to have a young man who’s 17 years old be able to look at a woman that way. I think it means we’re on the right track.”.

“We only have one case of the coronavirus here in LA.” (Reporting by Andrew Hay in New Mexico and Maria Caspani in New York; Editing by Bill Tarrant and Leslie Adler)Yahoo NewsPence gently tries to correct Trump false coronavirus testing claimsFriday evening found Vice President Pence in an uncommon and uncomfortable position: Having to downplay and contradict assertions made by his boss. It proved a delicate act for Pence n95 face mask, who has become the face of the administration coronavirus response, and who has sought to project an aura of steely confidence. Trump can sometimes frustrate those efforts, as he did during visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta on Friday afternoon.CBS NewsLori Vallow makes first Idaho court appearance since kids went missingLori Vallow spoke barely above a whisper when she appeared before a packed Idaho courtroom for the first time since the disappearance of her two children, 7 year old JJ Vallow and 17 year old Tylee Ryan.

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